Entering sales

Entering sales in AccountRight is easy, and there's lots of information you can record.

You can also enter sales using your iPhone, iPad or Android device! Find out more

Record quotes, orders and invoices

3 sale examples - quote, order and invoice

You can track the stage and progress of each sale, from quote to invoice:

Choose the right sale layout

Select layout window with service option selected

To help you record the information you need about each sale, there are several data-entry layouts you can choose from:

Two ways to enter a sale

You can record a sale using the Sales window. This window enables you to record lots of information about the sale, the payment, freight, and tax. Here's an item invoice for the customer Footloose Dance Studio. They purchased a couple of water coolers, so we've prepared an invoice for them. Enter a sale now.

Item sale with headers and subtotals

A quick way to e nter a cash sale is using the Bank Register window. You only record the key information about the sale, but you can record more detail later. Enter a cash sale now.

Bank Register window with enter sale highlighted

Made a sale? Great, now you can record the quote, order or invoice in AccountRight.

  1. Go to the Sales command centre and click Enter Sales.
  2. Select the customer, or add a card for them.
  3. Are the credit terms right? Click the Terms arrow to change the customer's credit terms for this sale only.