Victim Statements to the Board

Per RCW 7.69.032 – With respect to victims, survivors of victims, and witnesses of crimes, to present a statement to the indeterminate sentence review board or its successor, in person or by representation, via audio or videotape or other electronic means, or in writing, prior to the granting of parole or community custody release for any incarcerated individual under the board's jurisdiction.


Victims and survivors have a right to provide input to the Board regarding any release hearing for the incarcerated individual. There are multiple ways that this can happen. The Victim Liaison is required by statute to provide a written summary of any information the Board considers, to the incarcerated individual. A victim or survivor may request limited confidentiality, so that the incarcerated individual is not told specifically who shared the information. Any statement to the Board must be received at least 14 days in advance of the incarcerated individual’s hearing. Statements to the Board can be written in any format and may contain any information the victim or survivor wishes to share. They may include the following information:

Meeting with the Board

A victim or survivor has a right to provide input to the Board regarding any release hearing for the incarcerated individual, and there are a few ways this may happen:

Statement Content

Washington statute and court decisions requires any victim/survivor statement or recording that the Board considers in their release decision, be summarized for the incarcerated individual. A victim or survivor may request limited confidentiality , so the incarcerated individual is not informed specifically who provided the information.

Statements to the Board can be written in any format and may contain any information the victim or survivor wishes to share. Some examples may include the following:


When requested, reasonable accommodations may be made to assist victims and survivors in providing their input to the Board. Those accommodations may include, but are not limited to:

For further questions or concerns, please contact ISRB Victim Services.