order of authorities

In formal legal writing, the order of authorities refers to the sources which are used to validate claims made by the author of the paper.

The sources should be arranged according to their order of importance, in accordance with Bluebook Rule 1.4.

Standard Order of Authorities - As Per Bluebook Rule 1.4

Constitutions, in the following order
Statutes, in the following order

State (alphabetically by state)

Treaties and other international agreements

*See Constitutions above for the foundational documents excluded here.

Cases, in the following order

* Arrange by courts issuing opinions; prior and subsequent history is irrelevant.

** Multiple cases from the same court? Cite the most recent decision first and continue towards the oldest.

*** For the rule above, all U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeals and federal district courts are treated as one court.

Legislative materials, in the following order

* Multiple sources of one type? Cite the most recent first and continue towards the oldest.

Administrative and executive materials, in the following order