Get Indian Medical Visa Invitation Letter from Apollo Hospitals

We help you obtain a medical visa invitation letter from any Apollo Hospital in India where you plan to receive medical treatment. This letter is necessary for your medical visa application to enter India for treatment. Our service is available at the following Apollo Hospital locations throughout India:

An Indian Medical Visa Invitation Letter is a letter issued by an Indian hospital or medical facility inviting a foreign individual to come to India for medical treatment. It is typically required for an Indian medical visa application.An Indian Medical Visa Invitation Letter for Apollo Hospitals in India would typically include the following information:

Step by Step procedure for Airport Pickup
Initial Inquiry

Connect with us on WhatsApp and our friendly representative from the Apollo Information Centre (Operated by Bangla Health Connect) will assist you in organising your airport pickup.

Information Required for booking airport pickup

To arrange a complimentary airport pickup to Apollo Hospitals or your desired destination, you’ll need to provide the following details and documents:

Airport Pickup Confirmation

Our representative from Apollo Information Centre (operated by Bangla Health Connect) will work with the relevant team and confirm the booking for your airport pickup.