Cracking the coding interview : 189 programming questions and solutions

Now in the 6th edition, the book gives you the interview preparation you need to get the top software developer jobs. This is a deeply technical book and focuses on the software engineering skills to ace your interview. The book includes 189 programming interview questions and answers, as well as other advice

Previous edition: 2014

1. The interview process. Why? -- How questions are selected -- Timeline and preparation map -- It's all relative -- Frequently asked questions -- 2. Behind the scenes. The Microsoft interview -- The Amazon interview -- The Google interview -- The Apple interview -- The Facebook interview -- The Palantir interview -- 3. Special situations. Experienced candidates -- Testers and SDETs -- Product (and program) managment --Dev lead and managers -- Start-ups -- Acquisitions and acquihires -- For interviewers -- 4. Before the interview. Getting the right experience -- Writing a great resume -- Preparation map -- 5. Behavioral questions. Interview preparation grid -- Know your technical projects -- Responding to behavioral questions -- So, tell me about yourself -- 6. Big O. An analogy -- Time complexity -- Space complexity -- Drop the constraints -- Drop the non-dominant terms -- Multi-part algorithms: add vs. multiply -- Amortized time -- Log N runtimes -- Recursive runtimes -- Examples and exercises -- 7. Technical questions. How to prepare -- What you need to know -- Walking through a problem -- Optimize & Solve Technique # 1: Look for BUD -- Optimize & Solve Technique #2: DIY (Do it yourself) -- Optimize & Solve Technique #3: Simplify and generalize -- Optimize & Solve Technique #4: Base case and build -- Optimize & Solve Technique #5: Data structure brainstorm -- Best conceivable runtime (BCR) -- Handling incorrect answers -- When you've heard a question before -- The 'perfect' language for interviews -- What good coding looks like -- Don't give up! -- 8. The offer and beyond. Handling offers and rejection -- Evaluating the offer -- Negotiation -- On the job -- 9. Interview questions. Data structures: Arrays and strings ; Linked lists ; Stacks and queues ; Trees and graphs -- Concepts and algorithms. Bit manipulation ; Math and logic puzzles ; Object-oriented design ; Recursion and dynamic programming ; System design and scalability ; Sorting and searching ; Testing -- Knowledge based. C and C++ ; Java ; Databases ; Threads and locks ; Additional review problems. Moderate ; Hard -- 10. Solutions. Data structures -- Concepts and algorithms -- Knowledge based -- Additional review problems -- 11. Advanced topics. Useful math -- Topological sort -- Dijkstra's Algorithm -- Hash table collision resolution -- Rabin-Karp substring search -- AVL trees -- Red-black trees -- MapReduce -- Additional studying -- 12. Code library. HashMapList -- TreeNode (Binary search tree) -- LinkedListNode (Linked list) -- Trie & TrieNode -- 13. Hints. Hints for data structures -- Hints for concepts and algorithms -- Hints for knowledge-based questions -- Hints for assorted review problems -- 14. About the author

1. The interview process. Why? -- How questions are selected -- Timeline and preparation map -- It's all relative -- Frequently asked questions -- 2. Behind the scenes. The Microsoft interview -- The Amazon interview -- The Google interview -- The Apple interview -- The Facebook interview -- The Palantir interview -- 3. Special situations. Experienced candidates -- Testers and SDETs -- Product (and program) managment --Dev lead and managers -- Start-ups -- Acquisitions and acquihires -- For interviewers -- 4. Before the interview. Getting the right experience -- Writing a great resume -- Preparation map -- 5. Behavioral questions. Interview preparation grid -- Know your technical projects -- Responding to behavioral questions -- So, tell me about yourself -- 6. Big O. An analogy -- Time complexity -- Space complexity -- Drop the constraints -- Drop the non-dominant terms -- Multi-part algorithms: add vs. multiply -- Amortized time -- Log N runtimes -- Recursive runtimes -- Examples and exercises -- 7. Technical questions. How to prepare -- What you need to know -- Walking through a problem -- Optimize & Solve Technique # 1: Look for BUD -- Optimize & Solve Technique #2: DIY (Do it yourself) -- Optimize & Solve Technique #3: Simplify and generalize -- Optimize & Solve Technique #4: Base case and build -- Optimize & Solve Technique #5: Data structure brainstorm -- Best conceivable runtime (BCR) -- Handling incorrect answers -- When you've heard a question before -- The 'perfect' language for interviews -- What good coding looks like -- Don't give up! -- 8. The offer and beyond. Handling offers and rejection -- Evaluating the offer -- Negotiation -- On the job -- 9. Interview questions. Data structures: Arrays and strings ; Linked lists ; Stacks and queues ; Trees and graphs -- Concepts and algorithms. Bit manipulation ; Math and logic puzzles ; Object-oriented design ; Recursion and dynamic programming ; System design and scalability ; Sorting and searching ; Testing -- Knowledge based. C and C++ ; Java ; Databases ; Threads and locks ; Additional review problems. Moderate ; Hard -- 10. Solutions. Data structures -- Concepts and algorithms -- Knowledge based -- Additional review problems -- 11. Advanced topics. Useful math -- Topological sort -- Dijkstra's Algorithm -- Hash table collision resolution -- Rabin-Karp substring search -- AVL trees -- Red-black trees -- MapReduce -- Additional studying -- 12. Code library. HashMapList -- TreeNode (Binary search tree) -- LinkedListNode (Linked list) -- Trie & TrieNode -- 13. Hints. Hints for data structures -- Hints for concepts and algorithms -- Hints for knowledge-based questions -- Hints for assorted review problems -- 14. About the author

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